The Social Opportunity: Social and Business Etiquette for Youth

Spring Break 2023 launched our first series of The Social Opportunity. We invested 10 hours of engaging and interactive content covering first impressions, dressing for success, effective communication, time management, elevator pitch, the art of small talk, interviewing and resumes, common courtesies, formal dining, technology etiquette, and resilience and grit. A special thank you to our volunteer team of presenters:

Michelle Mercado and Baharak Sotodeh, North Dallas Bank and Trust

Rikki Bett, ThinkRikki

Jennifer Owens, NCH

Elise Johnston, GM Financial

Mary Ann Kellum, Irving Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Jasmine Habeeb, Clarity Therapy

Angela Marrow, Garland ISD

Carol Wortham, UT Southwestern- retired

Ivan Lemus, RazorBlade Solutions

A special THANK YOU to Dalace with Diamond Wishes for providing our daily snacks and drinks for the youth and volunteers.
