Stronger Together.

Food/Hygiene Pantry

Financial Assistance and Stability

Job and Career Assistance

Resume Assistance

Homeless Services

Positive Youth Development


Character Development

Life Skills Training

College and Career Readiness

Family Case Management

Serving All Ages

Clothing for Dignity

Personal Image Consulting

Life Transition Assistance

Hygiene for Health


Crisis Ministries

Investing in individuals and families by providing hunger solutions, hygiene products, meeting temporary financial shortfalls, housing, and job assistance for over 1000 different families each year.

Providing services in a manner that supports self-respect and responsibility means we can encourage and guide those who need our services. Additionally, we hope to minimize the risk of increasing homelessness. Services not in our portfolio are administered through direct referral and collaboration to help individuals and families reach their fullest potential.

Our services for those experiencing homelessness on the streets, includes a broad range of assistance beyond food, hygiene, and housing for those who are working. We approach each individual situation with a plan unique to their situation.


All Things Made New

Positive Youth Development programs for 5th-12th grade students including teen moms.

Provide opportunities for youth to be surrounded and empowered with positive role models, life skills, and confidence to avoid risky behaviors. We work with students long term to develop the foundations in their lives throughout their adolescent years into young adulthood. We do all of this to help our youth avoid peer pressure, bullying, toxic relationships, depression/ anxiety, isolation/loneliness, self-harm, drugs/alcohol abuse, gang involvement, and suicide.

Our programs include individual and small group mentoring, youth life coaching, character development groups, college and career readiness support, educational support through tutoring, case management for families in need of additional connection for resources and support, leadership skills, and additional out of school activities throughout the year.

The Main Place

Ensuring that every client has the ultimate shopping experience complete with their own “image consultant” who personalizes their outfits. This experience enables them to fit in and reduces or removes the financial burden of clothing, hygiene, bed and bath linens.

Our Vision is to change the image they have of themselves so they can be who they were created to be.

For the homeless teen it is the confidence to focus on their education and graduate to a world of opportunities. For the domestically abused, it is the courage to terminate the relationship with the abuser, and begin a life of peace and promise. For the jobless, it’s the confidence to locate worthy employment, and become or return to being, a contributing member of society.